((The person who comments with the best answer to this question will win a prize, which will be a comic book of his or her choice for under $20, assuming it is available at my local shop. Please note, we will not ship internationally).
The recession has affected many aspects of the American economy, causing spending to drop and industry to shrivel. But as always, some businesses have shown their resiliency and great resistance to the economic downturn. As always, the movie industry is still relatively flourishing despite the economy. Alcohol is still being purchased despite raised taxes and overall higher prices. Waste management still thrives because people want their garbage removed in a timely manner. To a degree, these industries seem to be recession proof.
The recession has affected many aspects of the American economy, causing spending to drop and industry to shrivel. But as always, some businesses have shown their resiliency and great resistance to the economic downturn. As always, the movie industry is still relatively flourishing despite the economy. Alcohol is still being purchased despite raised taxes and overall higher prices. Waste management still thrives because people want their garbage removed in a timely manner. To a degree, these industries seem to be recession proof.
But the fictional world of a comic book changes America's economic landscape. Industries that would thrive in reality could falter easily in a comic's fictional world. But surely some industries in the comic book world must have the same level of recession-proof security that some real ones do.
Here are my pick's for recession proof industries in the comic book world:
1) Purple pants manufacturers. The Hulk will always need them. And for the Hulk, 1 pair equals 1 use. He is a market unto himself.

2) The construction/repair industry. We've already gone over this one.
3) Spandex manufacturers. Who would have thought it would be such an important resource? Especially after break-dancing starting to lose momentum. But it seems like spandex clothing is very popular in comic books despite the high possibility of chafing.
4) Indestructible shield polish makers. Has Captain America's shield ever not been shiny? Even after being slammed in dirt and covered in vampire blood?
5) Clothing designers of easy to open white button-down shirts. Superman rips one of those up roughly every five seconds.
6) Jet airplane insignia painters. Every hero team needs a means of transportation and every means of transportation needs to have the team's logo plastered all over it. The average airplane painter could make an entire career out of painting "X"s, "A"s, "4"s, "JLA"s, and "S.H.I.E.L.D"s on all manner of flying vehicles. And since these vehicles are always getting blown up you never have to worry about repeat customers.
7) Superhero/supervillain massage and chiropractor. Do you have any idea the cramps you can get from being stretched in all directions by Plastic Man? And being hit with an optic blast will at the very least disturb the alignment of your spine.
8) Silk Cuts. John Constantine's personal brand of tobacco will never go out of business.

But of course the vigorous demands of the comic book economy means that there may be many more "recession-proof" fields I haven't thought of. Any more ideas are of course welcome.1) Purple pants manufacturers. The Hulk will always need them. And for the Hulk, 1 pair equals 1 use. He is a market unto himself.

2) The construction/repair industry. We've already gone over this one.
3) Spandex manufacturers. Who would have thought it would be such an important resource? Especially after break-dancing starting to lose momentum. But it seems like spandex clothing is very popular in comic books despite the high possibility of chafing.
4) Indestructible shield polish makers. Has Captain America's shield ever not been shiny? Even after being slammed in dirt and covered in vampire blood?
5) Clothing designers of easy to open white button-down shirts. Superman rips one of those up roughly every five seconds.
6) Jet airplane insignia painters. Every hero team needs a means of transportation and every means of transportation needs to have the team's logo plastered all over it. The average airplane painter could make an entire career out of painting "X"s, "A"s, "4"s, "JLA"s, and "S.H.I.E.L.D"s on all manner of flying vehicles. And since these vehicles are always getting blown up you never have to worry about repeat customers.
7) Superhero/supervillain massage and chiropractor. Do you have any idea the cramps you can get from being stretched in all directions by Plastic Man? And being hit with an optic blast will at the very least disturb the alignment of your spine.
8) Silk Cuts. John Constantine's personal brand of tobacco will never go out of business.

Note: This is actually a post by Mark that is posted under Shadowbanker's name.
Adamantium sales.
Fast Food. They seems to be making out like bandits in real life (aside from the minimum wage increase), so it stands to reason that they would be doing well in the comic book world as well.
Repo business. Same logic as above.
Secret Identity Theft Prevention Services.
Butlers a la Alfred and Jarvis.
I should have mentioned this in the post, but please make only one comment per person. Stuclach, because I didn't mention it, I'll keep all your suggestions so far in the running for the prize.
The Goons for Hire business. To be taken seriously as a villain you simply must have quality Goons.
Thanks for the wealth of suggestions stuclach but please 1 comment per user. Give us only your best defined (and hopefully most absurd)idea.
OK [but I was having so much fun]. I'll stop.
Electricity ... ever wonder how much secret lairs cost, with all the computers and fancy gadgets?
Everyone needs heat, A/C, computer and fancy gadgets. There's a REASON the rich guys (Batman, Stark, etc..) always have the best tech gadgets, they have the $$ to afford the electrivity bill!
Rubble removal.
Though, of course, removing rubble from a PĂ©rez panel would require different techniques from what you'd use to remove rubble from a Kirby panel.
The only recession proof industry we DEFINITELY have proof of is 'Web-Chemical Providers'. As mentioned in the last blog, Spider-Man has been working extra hours to be able to pay for his rent, expenses and webfluid. One would assume that as the opportunity cost of webfluid rises, Peter might be inclined to scale back on his usage rather than risking mising such an important date.
However, Peter's determination to continue to use webs no matter the cost provides his suppliers with some minor form of stability through this crisis. And, since we know he wouldn't buy all his ingredients from the same place (too many questions could be asked, police could trace residues to one shop that sold all the ingredients), the entire industry benefits from Peter's inflexibility.
In any world economic climate, recession or no, an industry that persists on and off the books, and that I'm surprised that no one has mentioned, is the arms market.
As farkkin crazy as the real world wants to kill every dammed thing and demands to do so with greater efficiency and/or evilness through weapons engineering themselves to have larger blast zones, to shoot bigger bullets, and to be ridiculously conspicuous, and yet camouflaged, the comic book world is even crazier and wants it even more.
Comic World Warlords: "Huge explosions? I want to go blind thinking about them. Scary looking weaponry and machinery? I want enemies to shit themselves and convulse on the ground when they see it coming. Bullet diameter and speed? I want my eyes to bleed when I even attempt to contemplate the size of the whole my bullets will leave in a person's body. Lasers? Fuck, yeah, lasers. I want to cut the planet in half and use my evil omg-i-just-shat-myself-looking-at-them rockets to push one side into solar orbit and call it Lookoutamadmancontrolstheworldnow-istan while letting the other half be consumed by the cold death grip of space. Weapons stockpile? Hell, I'm going to have so many weapons that my thousands of troops will be rearmed on a weekly basis and I'm going to power my massive steam driven moving castle with steam produced by burning the old weapons and mixing them with the cries of children."
Fast food was a good one, too.
Agree with the web-fluid comment above, but think it should be generalized to grappling lines. For a wide swath of the hero population grapple is the mode of transport of choice (certainly the Batman family alone account for a significant and steady demand) and then there's Daredevil on the Marvel side, whose grapple line needs can multiply by as much as 90% depending on the artist drawing the splash page. As any climber will tell you, retractable (thus recoverable) lines would need to be replaced to account for normal wear-and-tear in addition to any lines lost/abandonded during the course of a battle or chase, single use lines (left at the scene of rescues for example), and any lines cut by baddies.
And of course the yards and yards left to tie up all the goons!
Let's see... certainly if we're talking counter-cyclical industries, the real-world industries come to mind (cheap consumer goods, medical technologies, fast food, etc).
However, let's consider some super-hero specific ones. We know that with recessions come rises in crime/petty crime, drug use (see the Paco epidemic in Argentina). I'm guessing that you could consider the labor market for henchmen and villains counter-cyclical in that sense. This supports the idea that as a recession deepens, so does demand for super-hero aid, which would in turn support the idea that super-hero consumer goods/services market would remain strong.
However, there are a few issues with this. Firstly, we know that superhero supply is constant (new superheroes will not be generated more or less frequently due to a recession, as the origin of a superhero is a random occurrence, probably a poisson process). Given a constant supply of superheroes, superhero industries will certainly NOT expand. At best they will remain stagnant. I would argue that they would contract, for two reasons. Firstly, consider that a super-hero spandex maker only distributes spandex to superheroes. Super-heroes are inevitably poorer during a recession (Wayne Enterprises, for instance, would take a huge hit to its asset valuations, undoubtedly, unless it's managed by John Paulson). Certainly, this will drive down demand, or at least will drive demand toward cheaper products/services.
If they DON'T simply focus on super-hero goods, for instance if they manufacture retail goods for commoners, without a doubt we can say they will contract.
Another more subtle issue is that as petty crime ramps up, we might see some changes in the societal perception of super heroes. Imagine that Metropolis, after the Daily Planet shuts down, starts looking a lot more like Gotham, with rampant crime and henchmen running around. Suddenly, Superman is more reviled - more ambivalently appreciated like Batman. If this happens in economies around the nation, there is a sea change in the conception of super-heroes, and suddenly the demand shifts from super heroes to typical law-enforcement and even commoner vigilante movements. After all, super-hero and super-villain supply remains constant, but henchman supply increases, right?
Here are the industries that, in my mind, would be resilient given these caveats:
1) Guns - people will want to protect themselves, and since they aren't working against super villains as much as henchmen and petty criminals, guns are very necessary.
2) Military/defense - the federal government will see this as a HUGE opportunity to bolster military recruitment. What better way to get us out of the recession than to boost military spending. Along these lines, Stark Industries will announce record profits.
3) Black Market - drugs will boom, as will mafia activity due to a surfeit of drug use and henchman supply - Sal Moroni will go global.
Hate to disagree, Tom and Zeblue, but we have no indication that usage has remained constant through the recession. Grapplers might be more careful with their hooks, and warlords slower to invest in new weaponry (Blastaar, the Negative Zone's newest 'king', is recycling the Cosmic Control Rod rather than investing in R&D), but Spider-Man has been unabashed in refusal to adjust usage to the economic times.
Super-human prison industry. Arkham has at least 42 high-profile escapes per year. Marvel is using islands and other dimensions to house criminals. Recidivism is 400% since even several deaths will not deter repeat offenders. There will always be openings for guards, walls and bars that will continually need to be replaced replaced, and force field generators that need to be wired. If there was a security company that could bring Joker's number of annual escapes down from 20 to, say, 14, they could pretty much name their price.
Military R&D. Both hero and villain owned. Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne's businesses are going to keep investing in new technologies which they either use for their crime fighting or sell to the government. Same with Luthor, et al, keep investing and selling to the US Military, or making side deals to have people steal the technologies, which then lands them more government contracts to build better versions.
The costume repair industry. As superheroes incomes shrink in the short run they may be willing to hold off on buying a whole new costume until this recession is over.
Meta-Pawn Shops
Spidey down on his luck? He can swing on down to the local pawn shop and hock his wedding ring. Once he uses the loan to pay for rent, he can come back and reclaim it (with interest). We don’t want our heroes to get evicted, after all.
Punisher could pawn some weapons, or even his 1968 Plymouth Road Runner.
Supervillains may have more trouble availing themselves of the pawnbrokers’ services, since most of their gadgets don’t go for much in the secondhand market…although its hard telling the Joker you wont take his joker toxin as collateral.
I maintain grapple lines are recession proof until I see a panel to the contrary. If Robin takes a header when his line snaps and he thinks "damn! I shouldn't have been skimping on grapple lines" then we have to assume the usage is the same as before the recession. This is safety gear, first and foremost, and you don't skimp on that. Maybe you don't buy a new cape, or boot polish, (or stealthy matte finish) but you damn sure guarantee the monofilament between you and a sixty-story freefall is in top order.
Grapple use has to stay constant, or transportation modes have to change. Has there been any mention of heroes forgoing swinging in favor of riding Gotham's monorail, or opting more often to travel by Batmobile? Until there is, I maintain my position.
Healthcare providers.
Evil doers and the white hats have a problem with collateral damage. And both the bad and the good guys need their docs so they can fight another day.
So nurses, EMTs and doctors will make it through the recession in the real (and comic) world in fine shape. You're not going to see them furloughed just because Spiderman isn't able to swing. In fact, we'll need them more than ever.
Cosmetic surgeons. Many heroes don't have healing factors or invulnerability, but are not hideously scarred, missing teeth, suffering from signs of poor setting of bone, etc. Clearly, off panel, they are spending a great deal of time (and money) getting cosmetic surgery or dentistry done to keep things looking good. Plus, there is no way the varied women (who are all very athletic) would have the chest sizes that they do. Plus, given the noticeable change in size from artist to artist shows that women are getting breast reductions and breast enlargements at a furious rate. The booming cosmetic surgery business will also explain why heroes look so different book to book. Adding to all of this, in recessions, crime normally goes up, meaning more fights and more need for cosmetic surgery for both heroes and villains.
The insurance market for superheroes would be counter cyclical and support an entire cottage industry of enterprising attorneys seeking payment for bodily injury and property damage caused to third parties. Consider that heroes generally wish to sustain the good will of the public—good will that is likely eroded by leaving a trail of death, dismemberment, and destruction in the wake of a confrontation with a villain. Since it would be inefficient for a hero, even for the Flash, to personally repair the property damage or to heal the bodily injury inflicted on the public and making individual payments from a hero’s personal fortune would diminish their crime-fighting resources and jeopardize their anonymity, a market may exist for insuring heroes. While ordinary policies would exclude intentional acts (which excludes liability that results either directly or indirectly from an intentional act by the hero – such as damage caused to a cabin when the Wendigo dodges a tree lobbed at it by the Hulk), the incredibly high premiums that could be charged for specialized superhero liability policies could more than offset the coverage paid. In a recessed economy, a hero is all the more likely to want to remunerate the poor sod whose life he just ruined when in pursuit of his nemesis. Moreover, civil litigation is traditionally counter cyclical, leading to a predicted increase in the number of suits filed against marauding superheroes.
Tom, the new Batman and Robin did recently invest in a new flying batmobile. I think it's safe to assume this cuts down their grappling hook travel significantly.
As well, the Wayne's themselves are pretty recession-proof. Until Hush's plan comes comes to fruition, they have billions of dollars from which to draw for their crime-fighting. As well, Dick is independently wealthy - his career as Nightwing was self-financed, not part of the Wayne crime-fighting enterprise. We'll have to see about Tim, though, who's effectively cut himself off from the family.
Lawyers. Anything uniquely "superheroic" that changes during a recession will almost certainly generate new opportunities for legal fees. Anything uniquely "superheroic" that doesn't change during a recession will continue to generate legal fees. Anything "normal" that changes, or doesn't change, during a recession will also generate legal fees. Look at every one of the other examples, and you can find potential for legal fees:
-medical services: malpractice suits
-identity theft prevention services: injunctions against secret identity stealers/disclosers
-adamantium sales: sales and distribution contracts, antitrust action against the adamantium cartel
-fast food: nuisance and PI suits against the overworked franchises, EEO actions, defense of employment claims from workers exposed to the wear-and-tear of superhero fights and of course emotional distress from when the Joker mounts his campaign against Jack-In-The-Box for identity theft, infringement of trademark, and misappropriation of likeness, publicity and image
-supervillain antidefamation claims
-electricity: gouging claims
-spandex sales: price fixing, discriminatory sales practices (seriously, does anyone think Power Girl pays full price?)
-construction and repairs: shoddy materials, warranty claims, bond contracts, subcontractor agreements, etc.
-web chemical providers: many of the same plus a raft of nuisance suits to make a quick settlement buck based on the theory that breathing in dissolved webs residue causes fibroid infections and other lung disease
...and on and on and on.
There is a very good job: being a private doctor of a super hero. Consider Batman's bruises, Alfred is trying to take care of them but sometimes it isn't enough.
Well..how about "camera or camera film" making firms. Think about it every time there is an epic battle or catastrophe people not only reporters starts taking pictures of their heroes or villains responsible for the attack etc.
This way even the camera-film developing shop will be prosperous and make huge profits
Companies that print blue prints for buildings, dams, power plants, and so forth.
Criminals are going to continue plan crimes. They might even plan more crimes since any given job might pay out less (a bank might have less cash on hand or there might be less valuable items in safe deposit boxes) and might need to be divided more ways (more available help). Planning means blue prints.
Jewelry repair. Are the Green Lanterns really going to want to tell the little blue guys every time there's a crack in the band? Better to just wait until the charge runs out and bring it down to Salina Street. Also: Think of how many times you've seen a hero of villain's hand crushed inside the hand of a much more powerful hero or villain. What do you think happens to that guy's wedding ring?
not sure about the purple pants, don't whatever pants the hulk wears magically turn purple?
Superhero Insurance, you know keep your home and assets insured with all the collateral damage goin on.
Countercyclical, or just guaranteed to do fine? In the guaranteed to do fine category, I'm going with the makers of gravestones. I mean, when someone can die COUNTLESS times, a la Jean Gray, gravestones better come down in price.
Actually countercyclical, in that as times get worse, their business increases, ambulance chasing lawyers. If I'm on my way to work and I get hit by a chunk of bus that just got thrown at a villain, if it's not a bad injury, I'll blow it off, as it's going to be hard to sue a superhero. After all, even if I can show negligence, this is a HERO, for Heaven's sakes. I mean, yeah, as a juror, I feel bad for the guy who got hit by the bus, but it was done to stop a SUPER villain.
On the other hand, if I'm out of work, I'll take a shot at it. After all, the injury is stopping me from looking for a job, and I probably don't have health insurance. Time to call in the sleazy lawyer.
Trick arrows.
Remember Oliver Queen is (usually) a billionaire, and so will not be as sensitive to the price of archery equipment as (say) stuggling teacher Peter Parker would be to web fluid or working class warlock John Constantine would be to magical paraphenalia.
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Everyone needs heat, A/C, computer and fancy gadgets. There's a REASON the rich guys (Batman, Stark, etc..) always have the best tech gadgets, they have the $$ to afford the electrivity bill!
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